Hi, I'm Francisco


I am a practitioner of energetic therapies. In other words, a healer of the energy body of the human being, and I have been involved in this practice since 2011.

I started with what I consider a “magical” tool, called EFT (which stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques) and a few years later, I discovered another one, very spiritual this time, called Ho’oponopono, until I finally met Reiki.

I got training in Reiki for a few years until I became a master in the folowing styles: Usui, reaching the “Grand Master Level”, Kundalini, up to “Gold” level and Karuna Ki.

As a Reiki practitioner, I use and generally mix, in the same session, the three styles Usui, Kundalini and Karuna Ki; with the aim of achieving maximum effectiveness in each session through what, for each case I treat, can offer me the best of each style; although I admit that I feel a predilection for Kundalini.

My goal, and what I offer my clients, is to bridge the gap between Western and “alternative” medicine, while providing a safe and nurturing atmosphere in which to heal.

If you wish to learn more about the therapy, in detail, kindly click here.

My mission, as a therapist, is that you stop needing me as soon as possible:

To do so, I combine three techniques that work well enough, each separately, to obtain maximum effectiveness in the shortest possible time when applied together.

The secret is to heal the energy body:

 That is, at least, the way the origin of a disease is understood in Asiatic  medicine. It is also, incidentally, the kind of approach that has given me the best results with myself and my clients.

It’s not just that you can find a technique or therapy that works. It’s that you find one that works as quick as possible.

There’s no time to lose to be happy.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
E.F.T. tapping on the karate chop

What My clients say

Héctor G.

College student

Francisco’s E.F.T. and Reiki combined sessions have helped me a lot. I feel more relaxed and my self-steem has increased. My ailments are improving little by little. I highly recommend it”

Mª Pilar S. S.

Retired Lawer

“I received Reiki seeking relief from severe pain in my shoulder as a result of a broken tendon due to a fall, and I began to feel great relief since I was treated by Francisco J. de Torres with this technique”

Esther A.


“A few days ago I received a distance Reiki session and my experience has been very beautiful,I feel emotionally relieved, as if I had freed myself of guilt and forgiven … also the descriptions on the session report fit perfectly with trauma of my past that I feel like they have disappeared.
I feel infinite gratitude to Francisco José de Torres for his help and I absolutely recommend him. Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏💖☺️”

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